Hi there, I’m Tyler 

I'm on a mission to help women reclaim their sacred journey to motherhood!

I strongly believe that understanding our rites of passage as women and how they are experienced through childbirth is vital for understanding the profound impact they can have on the remainder of our lives, including ancestral imprints.

I am deeply passionate about supporting women in nurturing self-trust, encouraging them to embrace their innate power and instincts.

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In addition to doula-ing, Tyler is also studying her bachelor's degree in Health Science, with a special interest in herbal medicine and gut health.

Tyler grew up in a small town in country Victoria, named Broadford.

Tyler has previously served in the Australian Defence Force.

From bump, birth and beyond, it is an absolute  honour to journey alongside couples as they welcome their baby earthside. 

Throughout our time together, it is my intent to honour you, nurture you and to respect your unique journey. I am committed to helping you step into the next chapter of your life feeling confident, empowered, and supported. 

In a world where there is so much noise and misconception relating to pregnancy, birth and motherhood, I am called on to bring you back into your body, back to your instincts, and back to what nature intended. 

You are so powerful mama, trust that it is all within you. 

With love, 

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Women need women, especially in the realms of pregnancy, birth, postpartum and mostly importantly, motherhood. 

My journey hasn't been linear - I haven't always been obsessed with pregnancy and birth, but I have taken pride in being in a role of support. 
From supporting women in the fitness industry as personal trainer and reformer pilates instructor, to serving time in the military.

It wasn't until experiencing two transformative births of my own, that I discovered my life's purpose: to walk alongside mothers just like you.

In preparing for my second birth, a spark was lit, my mind was opened up to infinite possibilities of what birth could look and feel like. 
After experiencing an undisturbed physiological birth, I felt both transformed and empowered.

All thanks to this experience, I've become deeply passionate about preserving the sacredness of pregnancy and birth, and bringing to awareness the transformative changes that occur in becoming a mother.

my "why"
